
OK Computer
01. Airbag
02. Paranoid Android
03. Subterranean Homesick Alien
04. Exit Music (For a Film)
05. Let Down
06. Karma Police
07. Fitter Happier
08. Electioneering
09. Climbing up the Walls
10. No Surprises
11. Lucky
12. Tourist

Kid A
01. Everything In Its Right Place
02. Kid A
03. The National Anthem
04. How To Disappear Completely
05. Treefingers
06. Optimistic
07. In Limbo
08. Idioteque
09. Morning Bell
10. Motion Picture Soundtrack

01. Packt like sardines in a crushd tin box
02. Pyramid song
03. Pulk/pull revolving doors
04. You and whose army?
05. I might be wrong
06. Knives out
07. Amnesiac/Morning bell
08. Dollars & cents
09. Hunting bears
10. Like spinning plates
11. Life in a glass house

Hail To The Thief
01. 2+2=5
02. Sit Down Stand Up
03. Sail To The Moon
04. Backdrifts
05. Go To Sleep
06. Where I End And You Begin
07. We Suck Young Blood
08. The Gloaming
09. There There
10. I Will
11. A Punchup At A Wedding
12. Myxomatosis
13. Scatterbrain
14. A Wolf At The Door

02. 그대 먼곳만 보네요
03. 좋은 사람
04. 내가 남자 친구라면
05. 언젠가 우리 다시 만나면
06. 안녕 이제는 안녕
08. 그 끝엔 너
09. 목소리
10. 첫사랑
11. 기다립니다.
12. 마지막 노래
13. 잊진 않았겠죠?
14. 소박했던, 행복했던...
15. 두사람
16. 모두 어디로 간걸까?
17. 좋은 사람 sad story
18. 미안해